Conference packages

Gather your colleagues together by the beach in Båstad. With us, you get high-class, state-of-the-art meeting environments, a pleasant atmosphere and great food. Relax with a forest spa, beaqt your boss at ping-pong, and come up with new ideas with sand between your toes. Here are some suggestions on how a conference with us can be, but the list is not all-inclusive! Contact us and we will tailor your conference package to your needs.


Conference packages

Riviera Beach conference

Alternate effective working sessions with our warming forest spa and a cold dip in the sea. This package includes:

  • Overnight stay
  • Conference room
  • Coffee x 2, breakfast, lunch, two-course dinner
  • Access to a pool hall with indoor pool, hot outdoor pool, sauna and gym
  • Open access to the soft ice-cream machine

Riviera Sport conference

Combine meetings with golf, tennis or bicycling. We help with the booking of courses and equipment. This package includes:

  • Everything from the beach conference, as well as:
  • Green fee for one of Bjare’s fine golf courses, bicycle rental, or rental of a tennis court with rackets and balls.
  • We can also arrange guides and instructors

Riviera Outdoor conference

Alternate meetings indoors with walk-and-talk on the beach and coffee outside in the fresh air. This package includes:

  • Everything from the beach conference, as well as:
  • Coffee service in backpacks to take with you into the nature just around the corner
  • Digital quiz walk with the option of personalized questions
  • Optional: Training session – jogging course/tabata/circuit training or other sessions depending on the client’s needsv

Contact us

You are welcome to contact the conference booking for a price request.
T: +46 431-55 82 13

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